Digital Nomad Visa for Cyprus

What is the “Cyprus digital nomad visa”

The “Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa” Scheme is designed for individuals from non-EU and non-EEA countries who can work remotely using telecommunications technology. This scheme permits them to temporarily reside in Cyprus while working for a company registered outside of Cyprus or working for clients located abroad using telecommunications technology.

The primary aim of the scheme is to enhance Cyprus’s position as a hub for electronic services, and by attracting digital nomads, it will contribute to the development of the business ecosystem and subsequently boost the country’s economic growth.

What are the benefits: 

  • Right of residence for a year in Cyprus, with a possibility of renewal for further two years.

  • Right of residence for family members, for the same period as the Digital Nomad, without the right to be employed of perform economic activity in Cyprus.

  • If they reside in the Republic for one of more periods that in total exceed 183 days within the same tax year, then they are considered tax residents of Cyprus, provided they are not tax residents in any other country.


  • Within 3 months of arrival, the applicant should submit the relevant application along with the required documents, as stated in the relevant document lists, at the Offices of the Department in Nicosia, after arranging an appointment through the online platform, to obtain a temporary residence permit.
  • Applications can be submitted personally or through an authorised representative.
  • Applications that are not accompanied by all the required documents will not be accepted for consideration.
  • For the application submission, the amount for applicable fees shall be paid as stated below.
  • For the issuance of the temporary residence permit capturing of biometric data (photo and fingerprints) and signature of the third country national is necessary, which is done with the presentation of the application submission receipt and a valid travel document.
  • You will receive a letter whether your application is approved/rejected, and the next steps.


  • Issuance or renewal of a temporary residence permit: €70
  • Registration to the Aliens’ Registry (only in cases of initial registration): €70


Examination time

  • The time of examination is between 5 – 7 weeks.

Official Cyprus Gov Links for the Digital Nomads.

Relocating to Cyprus and you need help?

– Visa
– Accommodation
– Digital Nomad Community
– Accountants/Lawyers

Contact me now!

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