
Not Sober 004

What’s your greatest fear? What are you running away from?

Some experiences are stigmatizing us for the rest of our lives. You might also find yourself thinking, what if this or that didn’t happen, or even why it happen to you.

Excruciating and bitter experiences leave us wounded internally. The only way is forward though, pull out the arrows from your wounds and put them in your quiver like a warrior. You are an arsenal of experiences and knowledge.

Not sure if its your maktub (مكتوب) or not, but definitely your are not moving forward by looking backwards.

One day though, all of us will look back on the things we went through and all the things that happened to us, and although we could not control them or influence them, we will remember and carry them as badge of honor and be glad that happened to us, because they made us who we really are and because they made us move forward.

So a daily reminder for you, focus on what you can control, and that’s your thoughts, i am not saying its easy but it’s what you can control and influence.

Be a stoic.

“You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius


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